Most people have heard of gout, but few know what it is. Gout is a type of arthritis caused by too much uric acid building up in the body. Uric acid forms when the body breaks down purines found in some foods.
Most of the time, uric acid goes through the kidneys and is passed in our urine. When we have too much for the kidneys to handle, it can build up and travel to our joints. This causes pain, stiffness, and swelling. There are many factors that can put you at risk for gout, including being overweight or taking diuretics. Gout also runs in families.
Gout flare-ups are treated with medicine and rest, but there are many ways that you can reduce the chances of having an attack in the first place. Many of the best gout preventions have to do with food. If you have gout, there are foods you should stay away from and foods you should eat.
9 Food Tips For Gout
1. Eat plenty of complex carbs
Fruits and vegetables are loaded with nutrients and help you keep your weight down.
2. Drink lots of of water
Studies show that when people with gout drink 8 to 16 glasses of water a day, they have fewer attacks.
3. Eat lean proteins or plant based proteins
Look to foods like Greek yogurt or almond milk. These increase the excretion of uric acid. Protein can also come from lean meat, fish, and poultry. Stay away from high-fat red meats, fatty poultry, and organ meats like liver.
4. Avoid Purine rich foods.
High-purine vegetables like spinach, cauliflower, tomato seeds, etc are to be avoided.
5. Avoid seafood that has high levels of purines
These include sardines, tuna, shellfish and crustaceans like prawns and crabs.
6. Avoid Beer and liquors like rum, whiskey and vodka
Alcohol also can also lead to dehydration, so it is probably best to cut back or cut it out completely.
7. Get more Vitamin C
Vitamin C has been shown to lower uric acid levels, so add foods like grapefruit, red peppers, and oranges to your daily diet.
8. Snack on cherries
Scientists think that cherries can reduce gout to some extent.
9. Reduce obesity
It has been shown that weight loss also helps to reduce obesity. Weight loss improves insulin resistance and lowers uric acid levels in the way towards improving your health and lowering your risk of gout.
To get a detailed individualized diet plan on gout and weight loss please contact Dietitian Prioshka on +919049364351.
Your holistic nutritionist and dietitian,
Prioshka. Rodrigues
(Dietitian Prioshka’s Diet Clinic (MSc) in Goa)